I decided to go for Antarctica mainly because we live in such a hot country I fancied doing somewhere really cold as a contrast. Air-conditioning was set on minimum temperature, white sheets were draped over my book corner, box of 'snow' set up, pictures of penguins all around my classroom and we were ready to go!
I used the craft and penguin facts from Amy Lemon's Waddle With Me unit (if you would like to grab this, head over to TpT where the Teachers Appreciation Week sale is now on!)
It was a very hectic day (especially repeating my session 6 times!) but very worth it as the children enjoyed themselves and hopefully learnt a snippet about each of the places!
Incidently, carrying on my penguin theme for the week, I went with my partner teacher to do a reccy for our school trip and guess what I saw?

I LOVE the Waddle with Me Unit! I am a huge penguin lover and did a lot of this unit with my kiddos right before winter break this year. We decorated our classroom door with the penguin crafts!