First of all, The Teaching Tribune's Summer Bloggin and 'Two for Tuesday' where I am putting two new products up on sale for 50% off for the next week. This week I'm choosing my two best-selling products so it really is a great deal!
Part of a series of flashcards aligned to Letters and Sounds with a cute, colour-coded butterfly theme.
My most popular product by far, this count the room resource has a minibeast theme and recording sheet included.
My next link up is with Deanna Jump's 'Let's Talk about Books'.
The book I've chosen to talk about is
My class and I love this series of books, they are fun to read, every so slightly 'naughty' and always have a happy ending! The illustrations are busy, but the detail has attracted them to re-read.
This particular Sir Charlie Stinky Socks adventure I picked up at the last book fair I visited and the giant flaps were very popular! There is even an app of one of the books available on iTunes. Click on the image above to grab your own copy of the book!

The Sir Charlie books sound cool! I'll have to check them out for my first graders :)
Learnin' Books