Courtesy of the fabulous Christi at Design by Christi (and Mrs Fultz’s Corner) I have a lovely butterfly themed blog design. Since I've had it done, I’ve found myself logging on just to look at it!
To celebrate this new look, I have a freebie to offer you all at my TpT store. It is some butterfly-themed (what else could it be, really?) tricky words. These are aligned to the UK Letters and Sounds programme and I’ve coloured coded them by the phases. Click on the image below for a link to my store to download Phase 2 for free!

For more great freebies from other bloggers, why don't you check out Teaching Blog Addicts' Freebie Friday? I've linked this post there and there are loads of other great things to choose from.

I love your new look! I am your newest Pinterest and Blog Lovin' follower! Thank you for linking up last week at TBA, please come back tomorrow, you are my featured blogger!
Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!