Tigger and his diary spend their time visiting different houses. This is one of the photos I used for my model entry and my personal favourite!
Found this game randomly in my local bookshop. Love the letter dice, they will be used for something in my classroom very soon!
Didn't get around to posting this when I blogged about Easter, so here is the display board of some of our work.
One of my besties from home had a baby last Sunday and cause I stupidly live the other side of the world from her, I sent her some biscuits as the pre-gift (real gift coming with me in the summer obviously!). She sent me picture to prove they arrived safely... well let's just say I might need to order some for myself, how amazing do they look?! Well done The Biscuit Box!
After hearing it blogged about by first Collaboration Connection, then Ms Fultz's Corner and now half my Bloglovin' feed! I knew I had to check out GoNoodle. And I'm so glad I did, my class have completely got on board with these brain breaks this week! I introduced it to my team on Wednesday and now we are all using it. If you haven't used this free website for brain breaks, I highly recommend you check it out!Don't forget to link up yourself!

Love the Tigger photo! My littles love Apples to Apples Jr, so I'll have to find that dice game version too! Great find!
Munchkins Inc