Liebster is a German word meaning 'dearest' and is a blog award with no official origins that I could pin down through my google searches, but still is great way of finding new blogs and showing appreciation for others. There are variations in the rules, but I'm going to follow the ones given to me by my nominator.
- Link back to the blog that nominated me.
- Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
- Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator.
- Share 11 random facts about myself.
- Create 11 questions for my nominees.
- Contact my nominees and let them know that I nominated them.
Thank you for my nomination, Sarah! You can find this budding blogger by clicking the image below. I'm her newest follower and look forward to following her adventures.
My nominations are:

I was a follower of Angela when she was 'Gig 'em Teacher' and have continued with her new name and blog design! Love the fact that she is a teacher abroad as well.
Kayla has already been nominated before, but since she still has less than 200 followers and deserves more for her thoughtful blog I'm nominating her again!
Trina has the ability to make me laugh out loud with her humorous take on teaching. Plus I love her weekly linky party.

I linked up with Brandi and her New Year Resolutions linky party and have been following her ever since. Great blog for behaviour tips!
I {heart} every post that Rachel writes on this incredibly creative blog focused on craft. Several of my Christmas inspirations for my classroom were from her.
The questions I have to answer from Sarah:
1. When did you first realize you were going to be a teacher?
When I used to set up play schools and force my younger brother to be my pupil.
2. What got you into blogging?
Bored one day, looking for freebies on the internet, came across a great blog 'Clever Classroom', started reading, got completely hooked and decided I wanted one of my own!
3. How many amazing years of teaching experience do you have?
This is my 8th year of teaching.
4. What is your favorite grade level and subject area to teach?
Phonics is my baby, love it to bits and love enthusing children with it. Have to say Reception (Kindergarten) is my favourite age, everything is magical to them then.
5. What is one thing you like most about your school or district?
The space and school campus.
6. What are your top 3 must-have teaching supplies that get you through the day?
Stickers, coloured marking/whiteboard pens, my laptop!
7. What is ONE huge thing that you wish legislators knew that could benefit the field of education?
That actual time with the children is the most beneficial and making us test and taking away our assistants is not the way forward!
8. What is the most beneficial professional learning/workshop/conference that you have ever attended?
8. What is the most beneficial professional learning/workshop/conference that you have ever attended?
Pie Corbett's Talk for Writing, that man is a complete genius and although have read his books, nothing compares to seeing him in person!
9. Do you have a top blogger that you love following the best? (If you can't choose just 1, list up to your 5 favourites)
10. What is your favorite technology educational tool (website, app, etc.)? (If you can't choose just 1, list up to 5)
11. List one bit of "Chicken Soup" that gets you through when times are tough.
18 months ago I moved aboard and although I don't regret this decision for an instant, sometimes I miss my friends and family loads. My best friend gave me this quote to help me.
11 facts about me:
So please, head on over and check out some of the blogs I've nominated and my nominator's as they are all well deserving of more readers and followers! Happy Reading!
18 months ago I moved aboard and although I don't regret this decision for an instant, sometimes I miss my friends and family loads. My best friend gave me this quote to help me.
11 facts about me:
- I have one brother who I still see as my baby brother despite him being 27.
- I'm obsessed with anything Cath Kidston. I own half that shop. I should just send them my salary directly to save time.
- I think I spend more time on teaching blogs than I do on Facebook now.
- I hate ironing. Despise it. I actually got my iron out last week and discovered ants living inside it, thats how infrequently I use it!
- I am terrible at keeping in touch with people, especially with all the time differences. I always seem to owe a dozen messages to friends.
- I collect magnets from every holiday I go on to remind me of everywhere I've been since I moved over here.
- I'm a great believer of constantly trying to change and improve my teaching practice, but still love those tried and tested favourite lessons!
- I'm a terrible driver. All those female stereotypes? That's me!
- I have a chocolate shelf in my fridge for those 'emergencies', the weather here has foiled my previous tradition of a chocolate cupboard in my classroom.
- I love pink wine.
- I wish I could speak another language. I'm trying hard to pick up some vocabulary, but its going very slowly!
11 questions for my nominees:
- What are your top 3 favourite teaching blogs?
- Do you have a TpT store?
- What is your favourite resource you have ever made?
- What topic do you love to teach?
- First ever (if any) linky party you joined in?
- Who did your blog design?
- A funny comment you have had from a child?
- Helpful tip to a new blogger?
- Favourite book for use in the classroom?
- Best ever teacher gift from a child?
- Memory from your first year of teaching?

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...THANK YOU for the award! I didn't think I was that funny on my teacher blog. Believe it or not, I have to tone it down on this blog or I'll run some ppl off. I have a tendency to use a lot of profanity and be a little crass. LOL!!! Thanks again. I need to decide who share it with.