This time I have visitors so am not going away apart from a long weekend, so with more time at home, I finally can get around to a cheeky blog post.
I miss the old link-ups that used to happen in the educational blog world so I'm going to make a Doodlebugs Five for Friday inspired post today.
Language Learning
One of my New Years Resolutions this year has been to learn a language. I try and motivate my class to become life-long learners and what better way to model this myself than taking on a new challenge? So far, I am far far far from fluent, yet I find myself beginning to be able to read a little and understand some of the spoken language. I mostly use the Duolingo app but there are many other options out there.
Buying a flat
Next week I am due to complete on a flat purchase, this is very exciting but means I am currently very poor money-wise and have a long list of things to sort out (like furniture and utilities!) It seemed like such a good plan when I had it earlier this year, but oh what a lot of work its turned out to be! Still, its a gorgeous little property and I can't wait for it to be officially mine!!
New experiences
A couple of weeks ago I went to a cooking class with some friends to learn how to make Xiao Long Bao (pork soup dumplings). Long-time readers of the blog might remember how I have mentioned Din Tai Fung is my favourite restaurant, well there is absolutely no danger of them hiring me as a chef! It did taste nice though.
Since I last posted I went to Portugal over the summer and fell in love with all the tiles (would have bought some for the new if I could have figured out how to fit them all in my suitcase!)
New class
And finally, something more teaching related, my lovely new class! I am still in Reception/Kindergarten and loving the new little characters I have. There is a wider range of abilities than I'm used to, but everyone is a hard-worker and cute as a button! Let's hope they don't forget everyone with a week off now!

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