Loving - That holidays last another week! Whoop whoop! I've got friends visiting and I get to do loads of touristy things that I've been too busy working to do so far.
Thinking - That March's throwback post was probably cheating and I need to get my act together and try a little harder if I'm to stick to my blog schedule of twice a month posting.
Wanting - To stay relaxed and zen-like. Work is stressful and social life is hectic, so for the last week I've been looking at views like the one below to de-stress. Unfortunately am back home now, but trying hard to hold onto the zen feeling from holiday!
Needing - To do some housework before my visitors arrive!
Whatever - To extend the housework into actual spring cleaning! I need to do some serious downsizing of my belongings.

I totally understand about needing to downsize and clean! I am moving out of my classroom this year, and I have already brought home about a dozen boxes!! My husband is going to freak out once I finally move everything out!! Another great blog post idea could be Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs teaching! It's a great way to recap your week!
ReplyDeleteMrs. 3rd Grade
I love looking at calming images to help me stay relaxed. I have dual monitors for my computer (kind of essential as a doctoral student) and my second screen has a beautiful tropical beach picture so I can feel relaxed while I'm working. It's pretty amazing how just the picture can help relax me even when I am super stressed out.
ReplyDeleteRest and relax. Everything can wait! How long is your break?
Sunshine, Sand and Scissors
Oh rats! Your post reminded me that I need to dust my blinds and wash windows! I think I will wait until summer to do all that! Have a great April!
Teachers Are Terrific!
I love the IT Crowd!! British humor cracks me up, but it definitely doesn't seem appropriate for a four year old. Haha maybe she doesn't get most of it. And do you get two weeks of break? We only get one week, and it's still two weeks away. Enjoy yours though!!
Crystal Clear Teaching
I downsized my closet during Spring Break and it made me feel so much better! Now on to the hall closet...